Hear Andrew Speak at the Biz Networking in Action Event on February 2nd!
Andrew Jenkins has provided social media strategy and social selling services to numerous mid to large enterprises. He has spent the last twenty years working in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) spanning social media, wireless, and e-business. He holds a BA in Economics from Laurentian University, a BFA in Film Production from York University, and an MBA from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. He also teaches entrepreneurship at OCAD University and Digital Strategy at the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies.
Please provide a short description of your session.
Session #1 – Top 10 tips for your LinkedIn Profile
Session #2 – Leveraging LinkedIn for your Business
Session #3 – Networking beyond LinkedIn – Which networks can help your business?
Tell us your networking advice.
Be bold and reach out to people you don’t know. The worst they can say is no. Be gracious and focus on helping them or conveying why it would be valuable to them to connect with you.
Connect on Twitter @ajenkins and @volterracon at http://www.volterraconsulting.com/ and on instagram
Andrew Jenkins will be speaking at the Biz Networking in Action event on February 2, 2016. To register or to learn more, please visit: Biz Networking in Action