

Amy Ballon and Danielle Botterell frequently speak and write on the topic of entrepreneurship. Both women received MBAs from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. They founded Admiral Road Designs, which they sold in 2013 after more than 11 years. These days, the best friends continue to work together, advising other entrepreneurs via their business, Spark Consulting.

How does your business help entrepreneurs and professional women?

We work with businesses everywhere from to ‘Start up’ to ‘Now what?’ We work with our clients to identify what they really want to achieve and then together we create a logical, actionable, strategic plan to get them there.

Our clients often come to us when they are at a fork in the road. In our advisory practice we ask the tough, big picture questions and we really listen to the answers. We work with our clients to create sensible plans and then help them stay on track and accountable.

We help our clients unlock and understand the truth about their financial situation in a comfortable, confidential environment. We encourage our clients to quantify their plans wherever possible, so that they will know when they are successful.

We help businesses grow.

What are you passionate about in your business and what steps are you taking to make it profitable?

We are passionate about helping business owners. In our work we get to support entrepreneurs to remove the obstacles to success. What could be more rewarding?!

What do you hope conference attendees will take away from hearing you speak at our conference?

There are countless small things we can do as entrepreneurs to get focused and move in the right direction. It’s amazing what a small change can do to positively impact efficiency and profitability, as well as reinvigorate an entrepreneur.SparkLogo

What is your favourite business tool

Ongoing business planning! If you don’t have a road map, how will you get where you want to go?

What is your favourite business book?

we’re biased 🙂 Mom Inc.

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