Event Description
Boldly pursing your goals, in work and life, demands risk-taking and a tolerance for making mistakes. Which is nice in theory, terrifying in action. Fear can hold us back from taking on bigger, bolder, juicier challenges because we might fail, look silly, or be revealed as “not good enough.”
Through a series of creative exercises, this experiential workshop gently guides you to confront self-doubt and perfectionism. It equips you with simple tools to flex your “courage muscle” in small ways that build up to bigger ways, allowing you to spend more time outside your comfort zone – where growth, learning, and fun happen!
If you’ve read Lean In, The Confidence Code, or Daring Greatly and want to learn how to put the theory into action, this workshop was developed with these ideas in mind.
Event Details
When: Tuesday, January 26th, 2015, 6:30-9:00PM
Where: Artscape Youngplace – 180 Shaw Street, Toronto. Flex Studio 109.
Price: $50 (10% off for WIBN members with promo code WIBN)
What will attendees learn?
Learn simple techniques for flexing your “courage muscle” so you can learn to fail better (i.e. learning from our experiences rather than beating ourselves up about them!)
Enjoy the process of experimentation and play, rather than simply focusing on the product
Increase awareness of your automatic reactions to new and uncomfortable situations, so you can gain control
Do you have a special offer or incentive for WIBN members to attend?
10% off for WIBN members with promo code WIBN
Connect on Twitter @ohgvdh and at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/perfectly-imperfect-show-your-inner-critic-whos-boss-tickets-19910074569?discount=WIBN and at www.facebook.com/orhargilarttherapy