Not sure how that happened. Wasn’t it just yesterday when we were celebrating 2013 and I turn around and 2014 has snuck up on me. And not like a snail but more like a raging bull.
We can’t deny it; we’re getting older so time is passing by faster and faster. Before you know it, we will all be complaining about “where all the time went?”. Who am I kidding…I’m doing that already.
Stop wasting time
So if that’s the reality, there’s no more time to waste, procrastinate and continue to put off the (never ending) lists of what we want to do.
We need to forget about just going day by day, doing all the necessities while watching others who “appear” to have their act together, get closer to their goals.
And this applies to all parts in your life; whether it’s business, health or family. Saying “I will”, “tomorrow” or “just as soon as I have time” will keep you in a vicious cycle of never having that time you desire.
We need to change our dialogue
Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay believe that everything you say creates your reality. What you put out into the universe, you get back. So saying things like “when I have success” or “ when I have enough money” keeps that goal one step ahead of you and just out of your reach.
Being present in your words as well as in your life will open the channels that you have waited (time and time again) to appear.
The time is now
Forget planning for 2014 and all the successes that you hope to gain. You can start your success now. Use words such as “I am” and “right now” and watch the universe mirror your words and become reality.
Like I say to my clients; how can you expect to lose weight if you constantly ask yourself “what’s my problem?” or “I’ve got to stop eating crap”. Although to some, word are just words, they have powers beyond what you may think.
As I continue to age, sometimes I wonder if I will run out of time because I have so many things I want to accomplish and my list continues to grow. But instead of panicking about the things I have yet to do, I stay present and live in the moment of what I am doing now.
The result? Doors are opening that I never would have imagined.
Like Deepak says; life should just happen with no effort as long as our intentions are where they need to be.
Amen to that.