

Social media for me has been about connecting, sharing, being a part of something bigger. I created Stay @ Home Media Consulting as my platform to offer my services in digital marketing. Content creation, brand building, consulting, social media management, blogger outreach, and community development. I can help you develop your digital brand.

Specialties: Savvy about PR and Digital Marketing, Social Media Outreach. Networking, Event Planning, Connecting, Blogging, Copy writing,

My other life is Crunchy Carpets. Covering education issues, health, and lifestyles of tweens and school age kids. Networking and working with PR and Brands fed my love of marketing and my love of connecting with people. Crunchy Carpets is a PR friendly site that is open to guest posts and promotions

How does your business help entrepreneurs and professional women?

As a social media/marketing professional AND a blogger I have worked with both sides of the partnership. I have seen and experienced what works and what doesn’t when it comes to building relationships with bloggers in order to promote your brand, product or service.

What are you passionate about in your business and what steps are you taking to make it profitable?

I love to show people the power of using social media and blogging when it comes to putting a human face on a brand. Companies can’t hide behind fancy logos and ads anymore…people want to get to know the human beings behind the product and social media is all about doing that. Working with a blogger is about more than having someone else shout about your brand or post a review, it is about sharing an experience…behind real. Honesty and openness is what I am excited to share with people.

What do you hope conference attendees will take away from hearing you speak at our conference?

That working with bloggers is more than big brands giving stuff for free in return for content..that the future means thinking outside the box and being creative.SAHM-1

What is your favourite business tool

Linkedin. It is where I start all my research.

What is your favourite business book?

Creativity Inc.

Connect on Twitter @Sahmedia and at http://www.sahmedia.com/ and on facebook

Microsession Leader Kerry Sauriol will be at the Passion to Profit Conference in Vancouver

About the Passion to Profit Conference

Passion to Profit is an affordable opportunity for Canadian entrepreneurs to grow their networks and find the support and training they need. October 20 , 2014 – Vancouver, BC.

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