

Carolyn is all about helping others feel better! Lately; she’s (finally) found her real passion in life other than her family! It is helping youth. A businesswoman in the fitness world, she sees daily the effects of body image on women and girls; how we can rarely see ourselves as perfect just the way we are. So…Carolyn created Bring It; a one day Confidence Conference in London Ontario on May 2nd. For 255 girls – worrying she’d sell only a few tickets (oh…Carolyn has been known to worry!) she oversold!! Buzz spread and this has become something so humbling to her with the whole City getting on board it seems! To be able to impact so many girls on the subjects of body image, building a positive friendship base, cyber bullying and so much more; she has brought a Team of women together to create a day that is incredibly exciting for all involved! She is beginning with girls and will be offering more conferences and workshops too. To help youth get through life knowing with the right attitude, support, love and resilience – and right friends around – that they can shine! Lastly….Carolyn is known to talk. ๐Ÿ™‚ She loves to socialize and make others feel wonderful and help people see how awesome they truly are. She is funny and when she speaks always likes to inspire a giggle. She has told me it is now time to stop writing about her…before she goes on for pages! ๐Ÿ™‚

How can your experience or your business help fellow conference attendees?

I would love to share how I organized this Conference that had more than 100 very excited women volunteering to help our girls! By offering the trials, tribulations, successes and challenges – and what I learnt, how I grew through this whole experience! And….I love to connect others; if I can help make connections in our City with Attendees that’d be great! Lastly; having her own fitness business, she’s all about imparting info to others on how to live a happy, healthy life. No diets, no deprivations….and knowing that it’s not about getting in the little black dress; it’s being healthy, happy and strong!

What do you hope to take away from the conference?

Where do I begin? Inspiration, education, new friends, contacts, guidance on how to take my next exciting steps with Bring It and workshops…..very excited to be attending!


What do you think is our greatest social problem today? Any suggestions to solve it?

Lack of empathy; judging others too harshly; having the protection of a computer to write things that would not be said in person and the ability to ruin someone else’s reputation or life. We need to offer more kindness, time, tools to children to allow them to grow into supportive individuals. Lastly; way too much pressure to be “perfect” – workshops on how to be happy with self – and to ensure youth are taught to be more supportive of each other.

What is the most inspiring book you have read?

I can’t answer this I’m afraid! I read historical novels by the boatload!! (grew up in England!).

Connect on Twitter @BringItGirls and at and on facebook

Carolyn Martyn is attending the #SocialforGood Conference

About the #SocialforGood Conference

If you a socially conscious individual, entrepreneur, corporation or non-profit organization you canโ€™t afford to miss this conference! Please join us for two days that will evoke conversation, initiate ideas and inspire creative solutions to spread social good in your community and workplace.

#SocialforGood will have you dive deeper then you ever have before and will address:

  • What a #socialforgood movement is and why it even matters
  • Can a business really make a profit while doing something that makes a difference? Yes! Learn how!
  • Ideas and beliefs by change makers and sought after experts.
  • We will explore why investing in women is the world best social strategy
  • Creative solutions to inspire change in your life, workplace and business
  • How to Bring Authenticity and Integrity to Your Business
  • How Creating your Business Creates a Whole New You
  • How to raise money for your social business or cause
  • The best ways to spread your message: Video, podcasts, public speaking, social media and more

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