“My best advice to have a life and business based on the Thrive philosophy is to aim at balance in all areas of wellness.” According to Melissa’s Relational Wellness Wheel, there are eight areas of wellness: Physical, Emotional, Social, Vocational, Sexual, Environmental, Spiritual, and Financial. The goal is not to be perfect in every single area of wellness, because nobody is perfect. However, the goal is to strive towards a balance in these various areas of wellness, and to be mindful of when you feel out of balance so that you can make efforts to remedy that.
Melissa Johari is a Registered Social Worker with a Bachelor of Arts in Honours Psychology and a Master of Social Work. She started The Couple Wellness Expert, a counselling business, in 2012 and became a wedding officiant in 2014 at which time she started her officiant business called Couple Wellness Weddings.