Babies, eh?
They’re cute, they smell nice, and when they crack one of those tiny toothless grins you’d probably even forgive them weeing all over your brand new dress.
But parenthood isn’t all child’s play, and now its 50 most gruelling gripes have been listed by the people who know these challenges best: mothers.

Almost three quarters of the mums polled admitted motherhood had been much more challenging than they ever imagined
Sitting (not so) pretty at the top of the list of complaints given in a survey of 2,000 mums are sleepless nights, tantrums, managing to have patience and keeping on top of household chores, all of which most mothers stated as the least pleasant aspects of being a parent.

Managing to maintain routine and keep up with the housework was especially difficult among new parents

Sleepless nights were top of the list of complaints from new mothers about parenthood, with most believing it to be the job’s biggest downside
A child’s first day at a new school and dealing with competitive parents at the school gates were also common trials, and almost three quarters of mums polled admitted motherhood had been much more challenging than they ever imagined.
Emma Kenny, child psychologist and spokesperson for bedwetting experts DryNites, who commissioned the study of 2,000 mums, said: ‘There are some challenges you expect when you embark on parenthood, like the sleepless nights and tantrums.
‘But I don’t think anyone can be prepared for how many issues and stressful situations you will face over the years – from the baby and toddler stage and throughout a child’s school life.’