Event Description
As a member of the Women’s Business Network, I’d like to invite you to our 6 week online course called “Ignite Your Spiritual Life”.
It’s a neat story how this course came about. My colleagues and I built a meditation centre in Canada, 14 years ago. I am totally dedicated to helping people create transformative change in their lives and thought that creating a space for people to do reflective work would help people achieve that.
However, the universe had other plans. I realised over the 14 years that retreat work is not enough for the turbulent times we live in today. It seems nobody is immune from the growing levels of fear, depression, and anxiety in the world. And if you are like most people, you probably feel overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.
I also discovered that even with a regular meditation, mindfulness or yoga practise you may still feel pulled off-centre through the day as that precious energy gets leaked away.
Yet, my colleagues and I discovered principles that even on the busiest days can help you stay centreed, alive, and engaged.
We learned this by studying about the art of the spiritual container via our retreat centre. By redesigning your everyday life to be more like you’re in the protective space of retreat, you can help you stay centreed, alive, and engaged. You can actually learn to set up your life to support and protect your energy, and re-ignite your spiritual life.
So, we’d like to share the principles of the lost art of a spiritual container to protect your energy, so that you can be out there serving your clients in the very best way you can. It would be lovely to see you there.
Event Details
Starting March 7th, every Wednesday online for 6 weeks at 8pm EST.
Pay from the heart. The suggested amounts range from $120 – $360
How can people register?
Ignite Your Spiritual Life Spring March 7 – April 11, 2018 – An Online Course
What will attendees learn?
Ignite Your Spiritual Life will help you:
- establish a more consistent meditation practice
- redesign your life to be more in line with your spiritual aspirations
- get relief from being reactive and stressed by daily events
- breakthrough blocks and old patterns that seemed like they’d never shift
- reconnect with your heart and other people at a deeper level
- make a difference in the world from a more grounded and confident place
- clarify where you want to direct your energy
Do you have a special offer or incentive for WIBN members to attend?
Connect on Twitter and at http://www.clearskycenter.org/ignite-spiritual-life-spring-2018/ and at https://www.facebook.com/events/1981914558698685/