Event Description
Founded in Vancouver in 2014, G Day is a community-based rite of passage event series that welcomes girls into adolescence. Over 500 people attended the first two G Days in Vancouver: lives were changed, dreams inspired and relationships strengthened.
G Day Toronto will unite 150-200 girls, in addition to their “Champions” (girls’ parents, caregivers, elder siblings, etc.) and a team of volunteers, in effect becoming “the Village,” if only for a day.
Event Details
Sunday, April 26, 2015
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
585 Dundas Street East, Daniels Spectrum, Toronto, Canada
Tickets are $65 per person for Girls and Champions
*Every full price ticket funds the production of an AFRIpads washable menstrual kit for a girl in East Africa to support her school attendance.
How can people register?
What will attendees learn?
?This full-?day event features a diverse lineup of workshops for both Girls and Champions. Girls will connect with themselves and each other through movement, art, yoga, meditation, and inspiring presentations on sisterhood, women in technology, loving your body, and more. Champions will learn strategies for communicating with adolescents, balancing stress in family life, and promoting self-esteem in adolescent girls.
Do you have a special offer or incentive for WIBN members to attend?
For WIBN members: Get 20% off Girls and Champions tickets! Use promo code WIBN-20G for Girl tickets and WIBN-20C for Champion tickets.
Connect on Twitter https://twitter.com/GDayforGirls and at http://gdayforgirls.com/ and at https://www.facebook.com/gdayforgirls