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Like many of you, I’m heartsick for the people of Afghanistan–especially the girls and women left vulnerable to the Taliban squashing their rights and lives. It’s easy to feel helpless and hopeless.

Let’s not forget, though, of a formidable force that we can nudge toward aiding Afghans (and other victims of displacement and human rights violations): business. We can, for example:

  1. Ask our employer to join the Tent Partnership for Refugees, a network of companies committed to integrating refugees in their host communities.
  2. Get our procurement department to join UNSTUCK, which helps businesses populate supply chains with providers that hire refugees.
  3. Encourage our employee resource groups (ERG’s) or corporate foundation to support efforts in the developing world through AlightGlobal Giving, the International Rescue Committee, the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and SecurityMercy Corps or the Malala Fund, which are all promoting women’s right in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere.
  4. Organize employee volunteering or giving that supports organizations that serve refugees in our communities. In the United States, these nonprofits include Church World ServiceEpiscopal Migration Ministries (EMM)HIASInternational Rescue CommitteeLutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)United States Conference of Catholic BishopsU.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants and World Relief.

In summary, there are various ways capitalism can reduce suffering in the Afghans and drive social justice. But it’s up to us to push it in that direction.

Until next time, keep on caring,


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Author biography

Bea Boccalandro is the author of Do Good At Work: How Simple Acts of Social Purpose Drive Success and Wellbeing (New York: Morgan James Publishing, 2021). Bea also founded and runs VeraWorks, a global firm that advises companies on their social purpose efforts and teaches this topic at Georgetown University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Bea’s clients include Disney, Eventbrite, FedEx, HP, John Hancock, IBM, Levi’s, PwC, TOMS Shoes and Toyota.

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