If you are a business owner I am going to assume you have a website. Did you know that the most visited section is your “About Page”?

The About Page

The content on this page should be interesting, causing an instant 8 seconds of love so that the viewer continues on the journey of loving you enough to buy.

What Should be Included?

Start with an easy overview of what services or products are providing and why we should care. Hit pain points or tap into those feelings of not wanting to miss out. Do you have a cool factor? Heartfelt factor? What is your hook? Brainstorm on some pretty index cards. Post them on your whiteboard.

Describing You

This is my favourite part. Bring some personality to the page! Here are some out of the box ideas for you to consider including:

  1. What makes you unique
  2. A childhood moment or dream
  3. What you love most about your job
  4. Struggles in school
  5. Accomplishments in school
  6. Your first job
  7. Your worst job
  8. Your first car
  9. A trip that changed your life
  10. Special talents or funny fact
  11. Your bucket list
  12. Who you look up to
  13. Special accomplishment
  14. A mistake or setback
  15. Rags to riches story
  16. Unusual item in your purse or desk
  17. Embarrassing aha moment
  18.  Your pet story
  19. If you have a unique living or working situation (ie: you travel the world 6 months of the year or live on a boat)
  20. Guilty pleasure
  21. Your values
  22. Your mission

You get the picture. The format could be in the form of a Q/A or written into a funny story. Have fun with it.[clickToTweet tweet=”Show your personality because your potential customer should be drawn to you. Don’t be boring. Tips here” quote=” Show your personality because your potential customer should be drawn to you. Don’t be boring.” theme=”style3″]


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