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Love is in the air. Are you feeling it in your professional life as well?

There are many ways to get clear on your career path. Take our quiz, join Women in Biz Network ( check out our mentorship and Thrive Mastermind – you can access a career mentor!) and check out some books to read that will help provide you with some direction.

Our favourites include Careergasm by Sarah Vermunt (see the funny review below), Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss, Thrive by Arianna Huffington and Quiet: The Power of Introverts In a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.

If you’re ready for a career that makes your toes curl,  exploring your options is important.

In our goal-obsessed society, we can get so focussed on strategizing and striving that we lose sight of the WHY behind our goals. [clickToTweet tweet=”Enlightened ambition is about setting goals that actually feel good and tweaking or tossing the ones that don’t. It sounds so simple, but it’ll change your life” quote=”Enlightened ambition is about setting goals that actually feel good and tweaking or tossing the ones that don’t. It sounds so simple, but it’ll change your life” theme=”style3″].

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Here are 69 reasons that Sarah Vermunt’s book will give YOU a Careergasm:

1. Real world advice that’ll help you like Mondays again. #feelgoodwork

2. …and Tuesday through Friday too #TGIeveryday

3. Short, punchy chapters. #feelingaccomplished

4. A big ole’ [mason] jar o’ sass. #heygirlhey

5. Permission to embrace your inner toddler (spoiler alert: they’ll give you more career clarity than you realize). #koolaidgrin


6. “If you loved it when you were 8, chances are there’s something you love about it still”. #quotestoliveby

7. Authorization to lean into your obsessions to reveal clues about your passions. #loveyourwork

8. Oh, my shitty job(s) of yester years can offer clues too? #whenlifegivesyoulemons

9. Page 33. I’ll just leave that right there. #greeneyedmonster

10. And page 34. Did she just call us out on being full of shit? Yup. #authenticity

11. A reminder that the right workspace can, well, work wonders. #prettythings

12. Newsflash: Cosmo surveys and Myers Briggs can’t tell you what work will make you HAPPY. #realtalk

13. Breakfast Club reference. #the80s

14. “Passion begins as curiosity”. #wisewords

15. Pointing out our need for certainty is keeping us stuck. #elephantintheroom

16. Consistently being outed on our bullshit stories, excuses and ways we get in our own way. #checkyoself

17. Note to selves: Our bodies know what’s up. #listenup

18. It might be the final ass-kick you need to take your side hustle full-time #alldayeveryday

19. …or take that amazeballs opportunity across the country #allin

20. Advice about advice, and that we should be careful who we listen to. #doyou

21. Tips for facing our fears that actually WORK. #befriendthedragon

22. “Success and happiness are two different things, and one doesn’t necessarily lead to the other”. #dontgetittwisted

23. Why-didn’t-I-think-of-that rationale that thinking about worst case scenarios can actually make things better #makessense

24. “Because nobody fucks with Oprah”. #micdrop

25. Loving permission to stop apologizing for doing WHATEVER it takes #cantstopwontstop

26. Knowing there’s someone else out there that totally gets what it’s like when family and friends don’t support your career changes #inthistogether

27. Lady lumps. #mymilkshake

28. “Somethings like breast symmetry just don’t matter when you’re getting shit done” #lolz

29. to 34. My cat liked it #bartapproved

35. It pairs well with boxed wine and overpriced, over-narrated lattes #getyodrinkon

36. …and yoga pants #fancy

37. …and All-Dressed chips #getinmybelly

38. The author is Canadian #justsayin

39. …who quit a job harder than you ever have (93-pages-into-her-PhD.-dissertation hard) #ballsy

40. to 46. Shit. #yas

47. to 53. Fuck. #yasss

54. to 62. Ample use of the suffix “-ass” #yassssss

63. and 64. A cornucopia of food analogies #nomnomnom

65. Careergasm is on Kindle #savethetrees

66. When you’re done, you can still haunt Sarah’s blog. #yourewelcome

67. …or stalk Sarah on Inc.com #stalker

68. …or Entrepreneur #fangirl

69. …and take her free Careergasm Crash Course. #signmeup

About our Columnist:

Kamara Toffolo is a Resume Writer, LinkedIn Consultant, and Job Search Strategist who helps established professionals DARE to do work differently and land great-fitting gigs!

Learn more about Kamara now.



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